Sunday 16 October 2011

Infusion of Colour

Proof of my art.

What am I to do?

I seem to be putting off everything important in my life at the moment (important being Art work.) It's not just the Sketchbook Project that I'm avoiding either it's my actual coursework! I'm so nervous about making a mistake I'm incapable of doing anything at all it seems.
I've done way more pages in my moleskin than I did last year but I fear the quality hasn't improved in the slightest and my coursework in Art is seriously behind schedule, looking like it'll be that way for a little bit longer too.
I just need to get my act together as I've said, I don't want to make a mistake!! The other artists around me are so incredible I just look like a 5 year old in comparison& that doesn't give me much motivation I can tell you... The only way is forward but if I don't get a decent grade in this subject my dream job is even further out of reach than I originally estimated.

A Real Love Hate Thing.

D: There's soo much more to do. BUT(!) at least I have started and am doing something productive.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Edited back-street photo.

This photograph has obviously been edited. It turned out quite well I think although I didn't get the contrast quite as perfect as I intended to, but for a first attempt not bad, ey?

A Happy Accident

I don't know why I like this so much, I also don't know why I felt the need to boost the colour in this photograph.. But here we are :)

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Max Pechstein's Self-portrait.

I really enjoyed painting this; with every brush stroke I was getting to know the artists more and more.