Monday 17 November 2014

New stuff.

From what I can gather, we are expected to continually experiment/make/create things over our 3 years at Uni. I really wasn't sure of what I should do to start with because I've never made anything (that I value) unless it was for some sort of assessment. So I stuck to my comfort zone.

I didn't start making with anything in mind, I just went with whatever felt 'right'. I'm not overwhelming pleased with how this has turned out but I think it's an okay starting point, and I intend to rework this piece for however long it takes for me to be happy with it.

I've looked into some of Gerhard Richter's work as inspiration, I had never heard of him until a couple of months ago and I was amazed with how similar our work and process is. Not that I ever thought I'd uniquely done anything, but looking into Richter solidified that for me. To be honest I'm inspired to produce and disheartened from making in equal amounts. I do think of myself as an artist but I don't know why, I have only made a handful of things that I would put my name to, and none of those things have been created whilst being at Uni. I'm struggling with the purpose of it all... What do I want from this experience? Have I improved at all since September? I'm not quite sure how to move forward but I know I'm the only one that can do anything about that. I'm just going to give it some time and hope for the best.